Child Health
Explore Child Healthrelated questions
My daughter is 10 years old but her height is not according to her age and underweight
2 years
I have been frequently consulting with doctors from last few years because she was under height and weight since few years as compared to growth chart. Hei bone age is a year less than her age. …
- Anonymous
UTI in baby for 2 months old
2 years
I have 2 month old baby. On 23/3/2022 her urine came positive on leucocyte. However, on that day, i take the sample using urine bag for baby. but mix with a bit from her poop. Today, the padiatr…
- Anonymous
Visible epiglotis pada kanak kanak 5tahun
3 years
WHi my 5yo son complaint bout his uncomfortable situation at his throat,after series of clinical check up with ent at d hospital turn out he has visible epiglotis which his epiglotis located hig…
- Anonymous
Anal fissure (Baby)
3 years
My daughter who will be turning 2 in this coming March is having anal fissure. May I know what cream/solution to this? Sometimes there will be some blood on her poop.
- kenneth_ng83
G6PD boy and tystatin
3 years
My baby is 1 yo… and he is DGPD def… Can he tystatin for his mouth infection??
- Anonymous
9 months baby head nodding
3 years
Hi Doctor, I would like to seek for some advice. My baby girl is now 9 months old, these few days we noticed she will nod her head a few times (usually about 1-2 times, or 3 times) when we are …
- Anonymous
Baby skin irritation
3 years
Is Candacort safe for baby use
- Anonymous
Vitamin D in breastfeed baby
3 years
May I know if breastfeed baby necessarily needs extra Vitamin D supplement if baby did not go out to have sunshine?
- zihui.pennywong
2 months old baby with lights
3 years
I noticed my son currently 2 months old always focusing towards the light since birth. Is it normal ?
- Anonymous
My Child weight is abnormal
3 years
My child is 2 years 2 months…and a weight is only 8.55kg…Is it a normal weight to my child? He didn’t like to eat rice, and drink formula milk.
- Anonymous
Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
3 years
I want to marry a woman with two uncles have Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). What is the possibilites that we have a children with this disease. PS: i dont have any family member with this diseas…
- Anonymous
Baby unidentified rash
3 years
Hi, can you identify what kind of rash my baby is having? This rash is all around her body and face. White spots everywhere.
- Anonymous
Paediatric idiopathic constipation
3 years
My twins (3 year old) are both having idiopathic constipation for 2 years now. Having on-going medication (half of forlax 10g 24 hourly) yet still constipated. Giving enema if not pooing for 3-4…
- Anonymous
Baby 3-month sleep pattern at night
3 years
Hi.My baby is 3-month old now.Is it okay for me to let her sleep at night 12 pm-7 am without milk?because i tried to wake her up but she will get mad and end up not drink milk.she drink about 18…
- Anonymous
Toddler stool become bright yellow and runny
3 years
My 2 year old son stool has been firm before, although he poops several times a day, with only a small amount. Recently he had a slight fever for 3 days then diarrhoea for a day. He didn’t show…
- Anonymous
3 year old wont drink formula or eat
3 years
After recovering from his fever, My 3 year old wont drink his formula milk and hardly eat anything. All he wants is orange juice/sunquick. What should I do?
- Anonymous
Milk Gagging / Inconsolable Cry
3 years
With frequent spit ups,throat clearning,arching of back and unable to sleep well - New Bord 4 weeks old
- viknesh_631
Should we go to tje clinic
3 years
My daughter is 1y8m…yesterday she poops around 6 times a day loose stool kinda slimy…one time also have like a red colour slimy stool although she didnt eat anything red. Today she poops 4 times…
- Anonymous
My baby boy had two testical had went up
3 years
My baby boy had two testical in his scrotum after birth, in recent time one went up ready What’s the reason and treatment doctor
- Anonymous
Oil that safe to use for G6pd deficiency baby
3 years
Hi im munirah. I just want to know is it safe to use eucalyptus and tea tree oil to my baby? As i know peppermint is not safe for g6pd babies… currently im so confused what type of oil can use f…
- Anonymous
Supplement food for kids
3 years
Hi there, I would like to buy spirulina tablets from pharmacy for my two nephews that age between 11 to 13. Therefore, can I know is this safe for the children to consume spirulina and do they h…
- Anonymous
Bahaya atau tidak bawa baby 2 tahun travel musim winter
3 years
Hi Dr., On this coming december, we’ve planned to go Korea for a holiday. However i worried about my baby. If he can afford the coldness there as his age is 2 years old. He also have been thru ‘demam…
- mswolf7
Coghing on off around a month
4 years
My baby 1 year 6 month, she is currently cough and have mucus almost a month but on off, her appetite reducing, when she sleep something also snore, any advice doctors?
- Anonymous
The weight of the baby every month is around 0.4kg-0.5kg. Is it normal?
4 years
My baby boy was born with a weight of 3.0kg and now 5 months 6.0kg. The weight of the baby every month is around 0.4kg-0.5kg. Is it normal? My baby is breastfeeding formula milk with approximate…
- Anonymous
Solution of constipation in children age 3 years old and above
4 years
hi there, may i asked what is the best medication to solved my children constipation problem? he havent defecate/poo for almost 8 days. im really worried right now. can u suggest me what should…
- Anonymous
Speech Development for 23 months old baby
4 years
Hi Doctors. I’m a mother of a 23 months old baby girl. My daughter is active, she can understand what people ask to do. But there is something that keep running in my mind. My daughter just can …
- Anonymous
Speech Development of 23 months old baby
4 years
Hi Doctors. I’m a mother of a 23 months old baby girl. My daughter is active, she can understand what people ask to do. But there is something that keep running in my mind. My daughter just can …
- Anonymous
Red penis and scrotum in toddler
4 years
18 month old boy. Penis and scrotum looks red. No redness anywhere else. Scrotum constantly tight. Sensitive to touch and water. No pain when peeing. Only painful when in contact with water or d…
- Anonymous
Baby with high fever after vaccination (3rd day). Should we be concerned?
4 years
Hi, my 17 mo baby has been experiencing high fever (39-40 degrees) since she received her influenza jab + chicken pox booster jab 3 days ago. Is it normal to have such high fever? She had no suc…
- Anonymous
Najis darah berlendir
4 years
15month,girl, mild blood in stool for 3days, diarrhea for the past 5days(4-5x) normally 2-3x a day. Decrease appetite. No fever, baby is active. History of fever 7days ago for 2days relieved by …
- Anonymous